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What you need to know about the Online Learning System

The Online Learning System (OLS)

How to navigate the Learning Coach profile and view student profiles

The Online Learning System, or OLS, is the gateway to everything involved in your student’s learning. Through the OLS, you can change your Learning Coach profile and information and change/update your student’s profile and information. You can also access your student’s schedule, courses, grades, and all the information you need to keep them on track in school. Click on the link below to view a quick video tour of the Online Middle School and High School (OMHS).


Online Middle and High School Tour Video


You can access your student’s class schedule and help them understand where they need to be and when they need to be there. Class sessions are held usually 1-3 times for each class every week. These sessions are live and hosted through BlackBoard Collaborate. The below links to videos will help describe ClassConnect sessions for both Learning Coaches and students.


Class Connect for Learning Coaches


Class Connect for Students Video


You can access your student’s classes, as well. When looking at your student’s classes you will be able to view their assignments, learning content, grades, progress, overdue assignments, teacher feedback on submitted work, and course plan. The below links take you to an article on viewing a class plan and a video that demonstrates how to check your student’s progress and grades in the OLS.


View class plan article

Checking Student Progress and Grades video

As the video mentions, you can look at your student’s classes as they see them. While doing this, it is a good idea to check the following things:


- Grades: This is a tab at the top and will display all the assignments worth a grade in the class for the whole Trimester. You will usually be able to see the point value for each grade, whether it has been turned in or not (anything with a 0 is past the due date and not turned in), the grade the student received on submitted assignments, and any feedback the teacher leaves on that assignment. This is a good place to get a good picture of what your student needs to do and what assignments to prioritize if they have a lot of catching up to do.


- Plan: This is a schedule of the assignments and sessions the teacher has listed for the entire Trimester. Usually, when you look at this tab initially, it will show the plan for all of the student’s classes, which can be overwhelming in this format. You can change this to show just the class specific assignments and sessions to get a better idea of what assignments are coming up or how long a student has to work on a project.


- Progress: This is another tab at the top and is discussed some in the video. This is a good place to look to get a general idea of how much of the material the student has gone through as it keeps track of the chapters or sections of content your student has read or looked at. You can also look at this tab to determine how many overdue assignments of a certain type (quizzes, discussions, graded assignments, etc) are overdue or awaiting a grade.


- Content: The Content tab contains all of the learning materials for students. Everything the student needs to read or watch to support the information they received in their live sessions with their teachers and all assignments are located here. You may check this tab to see what the schedule looks like as you can view upcoming content and assignments (usually shows the next 7 days of scheduled content and assignments your student needs to complete) and the entire plan for the Trimester (under Full Schedule). Also, if your student has overdue assignments, you can see a list of what they are and when they were due on this tab. You can also find the student’s assignments here in the event they need help with them.


- Class Home: The Class Homepage has a quick glance at all of the vital information you need to know. You can see:


                + The number of overdue assignments – click Overdue (in blue) to go directly to the list of specific overdue assignments (also available in the Content tab)


                + The student’s grade – this includes the letter grade and the percent


                + The student’s progress through the class – how much they’ve completed of the entire course


                + Class updates – unread discussions and other information you may need to know


                + Class Plan – specific assignments or sessions for that day and several upcoming events for the days ahead


                + Class Announcements – Any information and announcements the teacher posts to keep the class updated on upcoming due dates, help sessions, or reminders.

This is a very quick overview of the OLS and you are encouraged to click around, investigate, and learn what information you have access to and what you would like to be reviewing regularly. If you have any questions about what you can see or how to go about seeing it, your student’s teachers are all more than willing to help. Teachers value and appreciate Learning Coaches and the support they are able to provide students. Please take advantage of teachers as a resource.

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